SKU OG12-F Category

Oz Goose Timber Foils

The Oz Goose is an affordable, simple, light, and stable sailing dinghy for families, training, and racing. It is an ideal first boat build and a great boat for learning to sail.

The Oz Goose Timber Foils kit includes a daggerboard and rudder precision-cut from a blank (essentially a breadboard) made of Western Red Cedar staves for lightness and a hardwood trailing edge for durability. Both are given a precise NACA profile as specified by the designer using a CNC router. This profile is key to the boat’s performance. The surface finish will be uniform, but textured. You can give each a light sanding if you like, but I’ve never found this necessary. All you will need to do to each is round the bottom edge, shape the top edge, and add holes for a rope handle per the plans, and they will be ready for fiberglass and epoxy coating.

The Oz Goose is fun to build and to sail and I’m happy to make it even easier!



All of our kits are made to order and prices fluctuate due to changes in material cost. For current pricing (good for three months) and to place an order, please email us using the form below.




Our Timber Foils kit includes the following:

A daggerboard and rudder precision-cut from a blank (essentially a breadboard) made of Western Red Cedar staves for lightness and a hardwood trailing edge for durability. Both are given a precise NACA profile as specified by the designer using a CNC router. This profile is key to the boat’s performance. The surface finish will be uniform, but a little rough. You can give each a light sanding if you like, but I’ve never found this necessary. All you will need to do to each is round the bottom edge, shape the top edge, and add holes for a rope handle per the plans, and they will be ready for fiberglass and epoxy coating.

Please email me with any questions you may have. The Oz Goose is fun to build and to sail and I’m happy to make it even easier!



Additional information

Weight 8.0 lbs
Dimensions 48 × 12 × 3 in
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